Student achievement – Congratulations

Congratulations to Nithilan Sankaran Harish on securing 6th place in Finland’s National level Math contest!

Nithilan has been a student of STEPS IN MATH program for the last 4 years. Being a sincere student who does the practice work promptly (in whatever level he can) he displayed a strong commitment of learning through different methodologies used in the program and a keen interest in solving Math problems at varied levels. Always in thirst of challenging problems, I could observe he consistently applies the tools and techniques shared over the years to explore & solve Math problems. Best wishes to Nithilan to keep up his attitude and hone his skills to get many more such accomplishments.

Here’s a short message from Nithilan’s mother Preethi on how the “STEPS IN MATH” program has helped him in excelling in Math academic & competition.

Preethi says, “Thank you! The GYM foundation STEPS IN MATH program has helped him immensely in keeping his interests and curiosity alive in Mathematics. The program has motivated the children to think for themselves and encouraged them to take part in a variety of challenges.”

1. How STEPS IN MATH program had an impact on your child’s Math learning in school academics?

STEPS in MATH program has always been one/more levels higher than the child’s current curriculum, so when the topic eventually comes up in school, there is a good foundation already to build upon.

2. Has your child developed curiosity and interest in exploring Math problems and solving them?
Yes. indeed. I can quote a couple of incidents when it became evident for me:
1. Nithilan eagerly volunteered to solve his 12th grade friend’s problems along with him, when his friend was looking for company to solve old question papers to prepare for the exams. We were pleasantly surprised that he knew some concepts that are 3 years ahead of his level.

2. There is a National Math competition at school coming up. Nithilan eagerly signed up and although they said no special prep is needed, he went and collected an advanced Math book from his teacher to prepare for it by solving the puzzles in the book.

3. What skills do you think your child has developed by participating in this program?

Perseverance, problem-solving and systematic thinking & working.

4. Has your child developed problem solving attitude when posed with challenging Math problems?
Yes, there is a can-do attitude when he was posed with challenging problems.

5. Any 2 outstanding traits your child has developed through this program.
There is willingness to try something out before deciding it’s too hard or complicated.