STEPS in MATH program

The world has been digitized in unimaginable ways! Powered with Robots and Artificial Intelligent Technologies! Replacing Human work in various fields! So who can survive this Massive Digital Tsunami It's THOSE HUMANS who can THINK, REASON and SOLVE

Next Gen careers and Jobs require Adults who can Think, Reason and Solve. STEPS in MATH program focuses on nurturing essential skills that will help young children to develop Mathematical Thinking, Reasoning and Problem solving strategies through active Math Learning experience and connecting Math to real life scenarios. Most of the current Education Curriculum do not provide avenues for kids to think and explore Maths concepts.  STEPS in MATH program aims to nurture below essential skills that equip kids to gain Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and bridge the gap!

Think aloud and question why we solve in a particular way? Are there other ways to solve a problem? Which is better and why? Critical Thinking skill involves ask critical questions, use logical reasoning and evaluate different ways to solve a problem.

Encouraging students to learn from each other instead of competing each other. Only when kids brainstorm they can come up with many approaches and perspectives of a problem and solution, and learn from each other.

Exposure to interesting problems where different math concepts needs to be applied to solve and knowledge of how to approach a problem systematically and solve it step-by-step. This skill is important while solving challenging problems with higher difficult levels.

Though mathematics is often seen as academic oriented, it is inter twined in all aspects of our lives. Kids should be encouraged to Experiment, Fail, Reflect, Learn and more importantly Enjoy the process of Learning Math. This will not only cultivate interest but also bring in confidence to face any math problem.

Want to take a look into Learning Outcomes, Kids works and Skills developed during Academic Year 2021 – 2022 

Want to know how STEPS in MATH program incorporates  enriched learning of Math at young age? Check it out below!

STEPS in MATH program incorporates “Inquiry Based Learning” and “Guided discovery Learning” methodologies for Math learning. Research indicates that children learn at their best when they get the feel of finding out something on their own. This will nurture their curiosity while at the same time enhance their interest in learning Math.
Kids are encouraged to frame questions and communicate that will help them understand the concepts better.

STEPS in MATH program focuses on two key aspects of problem solving namely Understand and Apply. The program focuses on

  • Math concept clarity
  • Connect math concepts with real life examples and scenarios
  • Train Mathematical thinking & problem solving through 4 main steps:
    Understand, Plan, Execute and Reflect.
  • Provide rich activities with emphasis on Skill based learning which improves critical thinking, systematic working, visualizing, modelling, communication, analytical & logical skills from young age.
  • Provide an environment for peer learning that encourages co-operate instead of compete.
  • The program includes lots of games, activities, puzzles and hands-on work which gives an active Math learning experience for kids. Active learning makes the learning process enjoyable.
  • The learning environment and approach makes them overcome “Fear of unknown” and “Fear of failure” and transforms them to “Let me do it” and “Challenging work expands my thinking”

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