Prime Numbers are special








Prime Numbers are Special !

The GYM Foundation organizes “Math Everywhere” event for all kids and adults, with an aim to introduce how Math concepts are related to real life examples.

February month “Math  Everywhere” event brings exciting information about presence of Prime Numbers in Nature and man made Computers!

Prime Numbers have unique place in Mathematics and have enabled various applications in our day to day life. In this session you will get to know

  • How Prime numbers are seen in existence of Living beings in Nature!
  • How Prime Numbers play a main role in Computer Security & Passwords!

No prerequisite knowledge about Computers required! Just interest to know Math and its presence in Nature and man made things is enough!

Open for all Adults and Kids of age 10 and above

Date: February 5th, Saturday

Time: 4PM IST, 30 min session

To Register: SMS/WhatsApp


