
Growing Young Mathematician foundation provides a platform to develop and hone mathematical thinking in younger children through problem solving. The workshops and courses offered through GYM foundation are designed to develop mathematical thinking strategies while solving problems and puzzles.

The active participation of children in these courses would make them independent mathematical thinkers who could solve mathematical problem with confidence and systematic approach. Needless to say, the children would become enthusiastic to pursue mathematics and enjoy the learning process.

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Vidhya Govindan
She believes when each child is provided with an environment that `"Ignites their innate curiosity", "Methodology that enhances participation and learning", "Education content that challenge their minds", all children can pursue Mathematics as an interesting subject and thrive in their Mathematical learning in Schools and other programs and competitions. She has founded "The GYM foundation" with the goal to provide rich learning environment that empowers children to pursue Mathematics with utmost interest and achieve greater heights.

Vidhya Govindan

Educator, Founder

Vidhya Govindan is a passionate educator who  has been working with educating children in different set ups including volunteering in virtual learning platforms like e-VidyaLoka and imparting mathematical skills in an engaging manner.

She has completed her Bachelors in Engineering and Masters in Business and Technology from Finland and has more than 15 years of experience working for Communication and  Networking companies like Nokia, Cisco.

She got introduced to Inquiry Based Learning methodology during her stay in Finland and has explored further on how it can be applied in the domain of Mathematics. She also participates in Cambridge University programs on Systematic  problem solving. With her inherent interest in Mathematics she has gained knowledge about Indian Mathematics and Astronomy from NPTEL Government of India portal, Vedic Mathematics from Chinmaya Viswavidyapeeth.

More details at LinkedIn  Profile:
