Inquiry Based Learning – Multiplication made interesting!

When kids were encouraged to think, wonder and ask questions about what they learn, their learning goes places farther than we think! The basis of Inquiry Based Learning is to ask questions to enhance one’s learning and connect with real life scenarios(inter-disciplinary thinking). STEPS in MATH program focuses on below 4 learning pillars through Inquiry Based Learning.

  1. Understand
  2. Connect
  3. Explore
  4. Problem Solving

Read more to find how modelling Commutative property using beads helped kids understand Square numbers and Prime numbers!
Glad to share the learning outcome of 8-10 year old kids participated in STEPS in MATH on Multiplication theme.

Highlights and Aha moments!

We played a dice game, where a dice was thrown twice and kids form a 2 digit number (ex:16). Then kids need to find what two numbers can be multiplied to get that 2 digit number (ex: 2×8).

Kids understood Multiplication by Modelling  using beads. In the process they asked curious questions and found interesting answers!

The Inquiry process helped them gain skill on how to expand their thinking by asking questions and modelling!

Check out the Anchor chart booklet below that kids made based on what they learnt on Multiplication and connected their understanding with real life scenarios!

Want to know more about STEPS in MATH program? Please contact: or call +917402085260